What the Irish Drink in the Morning

What is the first thing that most Irish people drink in the morning? While I don’t know everyone’s morning routine, there are a few cultural traditions that are common around the country. Here in Ireland the traditions have been changing in recent years and things aren’t quite what they used to be.

Most Irish people will drink tea or coffee first thing in the morning. While tea is the more traditional choice, coffee has become more popular in recent years. Most accommodation in Ireland will provide a kettle and options to make both in your room.

I have always been a terrible Irish person in that I have never really liked to drink tea. For most people, especially in older generations, this has been the go to drink to offer someone when they enter your home or for breakfast. Thankfully, I like coffee, which has become far more popular than it once was.

What drinks you should expect with your breakfast…

What the Irish Drink in the Morning

It is common for people to drink water or some sort of fruit juice first thing in the morning in Ireland. However, the traditional drink of choice is tea. The Irish people consume more tea per person than almost anyone else in the world.

Tea is drank at every time of the day in Ireland. So you can be sure to find it as an option for breakfast. This is the case if you find yourself either in a hotel or in somebody’s home.

The article linked here talks about the Irish tea culture in more detail.

While coffee has been an option in some establishments as long as tea has in Ireland, it has only started to catch up in recent years. Instant coffee has been the standard in Ireland for a long time. Lately however, things like French Presses and Moka Pots have become the norm.

If you are looking for somewhere to find the best breakfast with your drink, I have my favorite breakfast places in Dublin, listed here.

Do the Irish Drink Tea or Coffee?

If you are visiting Ireland, then you should definitely consider going to a tea house or a coffee shop while you’re here. There are plenty of great locally owned establishments that will offer up drinks that might not be grown in Ireland, but were probably at least roasted here.


Tea is the most popular breakfast beverage in Ireland

Tea has been the most popular beverage in Ireland for generations. Irish people still drink far more tea than anything else, including any sort of alcohol. Almost every Irish home will have a kettle and tea has often been used as a substitute for even water by some people.

There are particular traditions that have cropped up around tea consumption in Ireland over the years. One such tradition is that your kettle should be filled before going to bed. This way, if you can’t get water from any other source, at least you will be able to make a cup of tea in the morning.

Barry’s vs Lyons

One of the big rivalries in Ireland is the “feud” between Barry’s Tea and Lyons. These are two of the most popular brands of tea in the country and there are some communities that are fiercely loyal to one over the other.

This Irish YouTuber has a sketch about it below:

This unserious argument is held daily in Ireland!


If you are looking for a teahouse in Ireland to visit when you’re here, one of the most famous is Bewleys. Founded nearly 200 years ago, this establishment started out as a teahouse on Dublin’s Grafton Street. Today, you are still able to enjoy this location which has been updated multiple times over the years.

Bewleys also has countless other locations around the country. So, if you are looking for somewhere to get a great cup of tea, and maybe a desert, then make sure to keep an eye out!

You will also be able to find their tea and other products sold in most Irish supermarkets.

If you want to learn more about this company, you can find their website linked here.


Coffee has started to catch up on tea!

Coffee will be available for breakfast in almost every accommodation in Ireland. Though this drink has not been as popular as tea traditionally, in the last decade or two its popularity has exploded. Ireland has started to develop a unique coffee culture of its own.

For years now, Irish baristas have been winning international awards and the coffee scene in Ireland has started to take on a life of its own. There are too many places to mention, so if you check out the article below, you will find more detailed information on coffee shops in Ireland.

In this article, I go into more detail on what prices you should expect for coffee in Ireland…

Thankfully for me, coffee has started to become far more popular. I can finally have a caffeinated drink in the morning that I actually enjoy!

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